Thursday, October 8, 2009

Manly vs Not-Manly Worship (Smile this not nearly as bad as it sounds)

We should definitely challenge ourselves to prove and test our ways to be effective, Biblical and Godly! Hear what some of today's brightest worship leaders and song writers have to say on the subject.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

With Jesus or for Him?

I am reading a book called "Organic Church".  In this book the author brings up a great point.  Do we do things for Jesus or with Him?  Now we say "I want to do great things for God and His Kingdom" and we say "I know we can do nothing without God's power". I think we mean these things when we say them but practically we seek God's power when ours ends. 

Case in point, Have you ever noticed that when times are good we pray prayers like "God please bring people to know you better, thank you God for your grace and mercy"   Now when times are tough we pray prayers over things we would never think of like; money.  Have you ever heard of a church praying over finances when things are going well?  He is willing to handle even the smallest things of life.  Because He loves and provides for His children.  We relegate Him to coaching or consulting and rely on our own gifts and abilities.  I say lets have the MVP of life and salvation, Jesus,  on the field.  After all He is the only one to ever do this thing called life perfectly. 

"My prayer today is that we would live within the power of Christ with Him beside us,  leading us to great things with Him."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why so long?

I haven't been really working on this stuff like I Should so here is my First installment

Insulated or Isolated

To what end are we different than the world and how are we isolated from it.
How should we be?
("We" is followers of The Way)

I will start with differences:
  1. We have a dress code for our gatherings. (Not just dressed up, But down as well)
  2. A secret language and vocabulary many of US don't understand
  3. A bizarre mix of ritual and traditions
  4. A somewhat rocky reputation for judgementalism
OK here are the good differences:
  1. Peace
  2. Joy
  3. Faith in something bigger than ourselves
  4. HOPE
"Be in the world not of the world"

If we are not IN the world we cannot show the world the love of God. If we are shut up in the church building how can we be the light of the world?

Can we reach people were we are or do we actively seek out those who have not heard the good news?

Now there is a place for what happens in the church building. The church building is a practice facility. God gave us an organization dedicated to equipping His followers to accomplish His tasks. That is the church. The church building is also a gathering place for celebrating what God has done and is going to do in our lives and corporate history (worship). And finally it is a harbor of safety dedicated to helping His followers repair and recharge our spiritual batteries and also to seek corporate wisdom and prayer for issues or concerns.

So, what am I saying, is well GO!!!!

Matthew 28
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Jesus could have founded Nazareth Community Church "The place where the Messiah Hangs"
But, he choose to go and show the disciples how ministry is to be done. And alot of that ministry was done on the way. He went out then commanded us to do the same. He knew that living the message was better than just saying it!

Now the next question is How should we be?

Truth in Love, and Serve in Love.

Truth in Love. We have to tell people the truth.

The facts are if you have not declared Jesus to be LORD of your life then when you die you will be eternally separated from God in a place called Hell.

When we love people we need to realize that relationships are not a just a means of reaching people. We are suppose to serve and love those around us. If we do these things opportunities will appear to explain why we love people. We love people because our God loves people. We serve people because we are commanded to by the example of Christ. We are not called to be the moral police to the non-follower (We are to be the accountable to each other as followers). We are called to tell them the truth in love. That God so loved the world He sent His own son to die that we could have HOPE of a eternal relationship with Him. Hope is what we should be to the God-less world.

My Perfect Church
  • Loves God
  • Worships God
  • Loves People
  • Serves People
God's church should serve Him by serving people in His name as His hands for His Glory.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ok Guys This the first post of the FBCG Worship Blog

So Question.
What Do We Need to Talk About?
What Would Be Helpful?
Please respond